SheAchieves Virtual 5k
Fundraising ($1,159.92 raised)
Top groups:
1.#sheachieves 3 racers × $114.99 avg = $344.98
2.#arizona 5 racers × $58 avg = $289.99
Top fundraisers:
1.Lavonne Jarosz $214.99
2.Hannah Auckland $175
3.Mandy Hamlin $139.99
see more...
Top contributors:
1.Lavonne Jarosz $200
2.Anonymous $150
3.Tally Ann $100
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Top team fundraisers:
1.Jarosz $419.97
2.Auckland $200
3.Team Tally Ann $179.98
see more...
Latest contributions:
Best personal 5k time
(*manually logged)
1.Jsjarosz 0:20:59
2.MeganBaker 0:29:13
3.Tallyann03 0:30:59*
4.QueenMermaid 0:44:58*
5.Cita 0:53:06*
6.Bootswiththefur 0:58:05*
7.Adds 1:02:55*
8.Applebottomjean 1:02:55*
9.Tarheel-Auck 1:08:50*
10.lavonnejarosz 1:15:38*
DonnaJ (NA)
jessicastam (NA)
leon (NA)
lindseyjarsz (NA)
Dde (NA)
Reboxwithastrap (NA)
VNess (NA)
amhamlin (NA)
1.Cita 6.7 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
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Group Mileage Log:
Recent Activity
Log Activity
About + Join
- From: Anywhere!
- To: Anywhere!
- Start date: March 30, 2024
- End date: April 7, 2024
- 0:00
- 23:59
- Route distance: 3.1 miles
- Total logged: 38.5 miles
Join the fun and support and our goal to help 10,000 women entrepreneurs sucessfully start and grow their own business ventures in the state of Arizona.
Participate in our virtual 5K Race from March 30 - April 7th, 2024. Log your time and map your route by using the Racery App!
After you've paid and registered below, please download Racery's Android App or Apple App and follow the instructions in the email we send you! Make sure all battery savers are off! Then run, walk or wheelchair ANYWHERE. (No gears or motors please!)
The route you take when the App is on will be traced on the race's online map. And you'll automatically be ranked by your time on the race's leader board. Run again if you want to improve your ranking or route design!
If you don't want to use the Apps, you can log your time and distance manually, but your route won't appear on the race's online map and you won't be eligible to win our swag box for the fastest time.
Want SWAG?
We are giving out prizes for the fastest time (as recorded by the Racery App) and for the participant who raises the most $ donations for SheAchieves.Org. Once you register, you will be given a link to post on your social media pages or to text & email to your friends and family so they can donate on your behalf.
Questions? Write!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
Participate in our virtual 5K Race from March 30 - April 7th, 2024. Log your time and map your route by using the Racery App!
After you've paid and registered below, please download Racery's Android App or Apple App and follow the instructions in the email we send you! Make sure all battery savers are off! Then run, walk or wheelchair ANYWHERE. (No gears or motors please!)
The route you take when the App is on will be traced on the race's online map. And you'll automatically be ranked by your time on the race's leader board. Run again if you want to improve your ranking or route design!
If you don't want to use the Apps, you can log your time and distance manually, but your route won't appear on the race's online map and you won't be eligible to win our swag box for the fastest time.
Want SWAG?
We are giving out prizes for the fastest time (as recorded by the Racery App) and for the participant who raises the most $ donations for SheAchieves.Org. Once you register, you will be given a link to post on your social media pages or to text & email to your friends and family so they can donate on your behalf.
Questions? Write!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
No mileage submitted yet.